Monday, July 30, 2007

Very Useful Advice on Diet and Exercise

Hey, there is a difference between men and women! Deny that and miss out on a whole lot of interesting times. We like all of the work of John Gray, PhD - these are all of the "Mars & Venus" books. Oh yes, sometimes he over simplifies and stereotypes, but simplicity and models can be useful for both basic communications and more complex understanding.

But now, Dr. Gray turns his insight into something very useful: The differences in diet and exercise between the Martians and the Venezuians. This is another useful book for couples. She can read it cover-to-cover and he can read the parts describing what guys do right and do wrong. It's useful.

Plus, almost as a bonus, you get some of the most practical insight into dieting and its relationship to exercise that you'll ever find. It's a very valuable book that we like a lot.