Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"The Biology of Belief" -- I Believe This a Lot More than "The Secret"

The author of "The Biology of Belief" and "The Wisdom of Your Cells" , Bruce H. Lipton, has great credentials as a biologist and teacher. He is no fly-by-night "feel good" artist. I've been through these books twice and am still trying to link into and to fully internalize a lot of what he says, but it certainly is worth thinking about what he says! The value of his work is in the thought it inspires, not necessarily in any actions it initiates.

My personal opinion is that Lipton does a more believable job of integrating the spiritual with the scientific than the "The Secret" crowd does. Lipton stays with biology and the body instead of wandering off into wealth as you find in "The Secret".

I think we will all agree that the mind can make you sick and the mind can make you well. That's Lipton's main point, but he explains the "How It Works" aspects much better than anyone else I've found.

In the part of his work closest to Newton's physics (the physics of concrete and chemical reactions) Lipton does a great job of explaining how cells work. In the part of his work closest to Einstein's physics, he puts out ideas (the cells care about what you think) that are interesting and hopeful. If you have even the slightest technical interest and have ever pondered something like "The Power of Positive Thinking" , then this book is for you. I highly recommend it.

Also, if you think you find biology tedious to read, then I recommend getting the audio book version. This is the author himself speaking and he is a great and enthusiastic teacher. You will probably enjoy the book more and get more out of it if you listen to Lipton himself. Click on the link below for the audio CD. Read the reviews by other folks on They are overwhelmingly 5-Star positive. That's a pretty good guide!