Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Digging Yourself Out of Debt

Dave Ramsey does great work. What I particularly like about him is that he does NOT promise to make you wealthy (or powerful or sexy). He focuses on the most common problem people have and that is the debt that grinds them down.

Now, once you get past "neutral" and up on the plus side of your balance sheet, his techniques will help you accumulate wealth, that's for sure. But first, lets get out of debt!

His advice is "boot camp" for individuals and couples. He says that you can't eat out every night and charge on credit cards if you are going to get out of debt. It's rice and beans and please can I have more beans.

Dave Ramsey has books, he has a radio program, and he has software. I like his approach. This is practical realism. This is "no pain... no gain" and we all know it's true. Dave is your personal trainer. You'll like him and he's good for you.